Announcing the

5th Unity Women’s Consultation

anunciando el V Consulta de Mujeres de Unidad

June 1 - 8, 2025.

1 al 8 de junio de 2025.

Location:  Laurel Ridge Camp in the Mountains of North Carolina, USA and then open celebration in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Ubicación: Campamento Laurel Ridge en las montañas de Carolina del Norte, EE. UU. y luego celebración abierta en Winston-Salem, Carolina del Norte.

Theme:  “With Hearts and Hands and Voices:  Advocating for Girls and Women in and through the Moravian Church.”

“Con corazones, manos y voces: abogando por las niñas y las mujeres en y a través de la Iglesia Morava”.

International Delegates will fly into Raleigh, Greensboro, or Charlotte, North Carolina on May 31 and be driven to Laurel Ridge Camp and Conference Center. N. American delegates can drive directly to Laurel Ridge.

Los delegados internacionales volarán a Raleigh, Greensboro o Charlotte, Carolina del Norte, el 31 de mayo y serán trasladados al campamento y centro de conferencias Laurel Ridge. Los delegados norteamericanos pueden conducir directamente hasta Laurel Ridge.

June 1 - June 5: Delegates and Program Leaders will retreat and work together at Laurel Ridge, developing Human Rights Advocacy Skills and Strategies and exploring ways to advocate for Moravian girls and women.

Del 1 al 5 de junio: Los delegados y líderes de programas se retirarán y trabajarán juntos en Laurel Ridge, desarrollando habilidades y estrategias de defensa de los derechos humanos y explorando formas de defender a las niñas y mujeres de Moravia.

June 6 - June 8.  Delegates and Leadership Team will travel by bus to Winston-Salem, NC (1.5 hours) and spend 2 or 3 nights with host congregations. ALL Moravians and friends are welcome to register to join us for a weekend of sharing and celebration.  Weekend participants will receive information about hotels and will be responsible for their own travel and lodging.

Del 6 al 8 de junio. Los delegados y el equipo de liderazgo viajarán en autobús a Winston-Salem, Carolina del Norte (1,5 horas) y pasarán 2 o 3 noches con las congregaciones anfitrionas. TODOS los moravos y amigos pueden registrarse para unirse a nosotros durante un fin de semana de intercambio y celebración. Los participantes del fin de semana recibirán información sobre hoteles y serán responsables de su propio viaje y alojamiento.

Consulting with our Sisters - to increase our impact as members of the Moravian Unity and to improve the lives of girls and women and our churches and communities.

To a great extent, the ministry of the Unity Women’s Desk has been shaped at the four previous Unity Women’s Consultations.  It is through these consultations that we are able to improve our scholarship and entrepreneurship programs, strengthen bridges between sisters in different provinces, and learn about changing needs and priorities for girls and women.

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