2025 Consultation Leadership Team

Grupo de líderes de la Consulta 2025

Subscribe here for updates or to volunteer to help with one of the teams below:

Suscríbete aquí para recibir actualizaciones o para hacer voluntariado y ayudar a alguno de los equipos.

Each Moravian province will select one  delegate to attend the consultation.  However, we also need MANY volunteers to assist before, during and after the consultation.  You can subscribe here to receive updates from our leadership team and also to let us know how you might like to help.

The Consultation Leadership Team includes Advisory Board members past and present from all four regions of the Moravian Unity (North America/Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Africa) as well as other sisters with expertise in theology and program development, advocacy training, event planning and logistics. The following committees have been working diligently and we will share updates on this page as the consultation approaches.

Program Team:

Equipo del proyecto:

“With Hearts & Hands & Voices: How to Advocate for Girls & Women.”  

The Program Team is responsible for planning and sharing Consultation Goals and Strategies.  They will provide participants opportunities to explore the biblical and theological foundations of our work and to share personal experiences and responses.  

The Program Team will coordinate worship and music leaders, advocacy training leaders, and wellness leaders to inspire us all to use our hearts, hands and voices to empower our girls and women and to build the body of Jesus Christ in our world.


The Rt. Rev. Blair Couch (North America)

The Rev. Erdmute Frank (European Continental Province)

Human Rights Advocacy Training Team

Equipo de capacitación en defensa de los derechos humanos

Rev. Mary Kategile is working with a team of sisters from around the globe to teach us what advocacy is and how WE can increase our impact on our world - lifting up our sisters and empowering Moravian congregations and provinces to improve the lives of girls and women.

Members of the training team have participated in the Women Human Rights Advocacy Training offered annually in Geneva, Switzerland by the Lutheran World Federation, United Nations and a network of ecumenical partners. As Moravians, we are eager to work with our ecumenical partners and all who share our commitment to value and love all human beings.

Leader:  The Rev. Mary Kategile (Africa)

Communications Team

Equipo de Comunicaciones

The Rev. Veronica Sutherland-Ocnacuwenga of Jamaica is leading a global team that will assist with the planning, promotion and implementation of our consultation. This team will help other committees leverage technology to share our work as efficiently and meaningfully - and as widely - as possible.  We are still looking for Moravian sisters who can help as consultants/coaches for ZOOM, MAILCHIMP, website updates, interpretation and translation, video and image editing.  The supported languages of the consultation are English, Spanish, and Swahili.

Leader:  Veronica Sutherland (Latin America/Caribbean)

Consultation Prayer Team

Grupo de Oración de Consulta

Sisters Muriel Held and Mary Kategile have organized a prayer team that will pray for consultation preparation and participants. Each month, they will post a prayer letter with suggestions for you or a group to use to pray weekly. If you would like to be added to the prayer chat, please email your whatsapp number or email to julie.unitywomen@gmail.com.

For logistical reasons, Muriel Held is leadine one prayer group for those in North America, the Caribbean, and Latin America.  Lettice Joemath is leading a group for those in Europe, South Asia and Africa. Both groups are open to everyone who would like to support us through prayer, whether you will be attending or not.      If you are not familiar with whatsapp, we will help you learn!  It’s an easy app you can use on a smartphone or on a computer.  

North America/Latin America/Caribbean - Sister Muriel Held (Suriname)

Europe/Africa:  Sister Lettice Joemath (South Africa)

NC Hospitality Team

Leader:  Sister Liz Venable (North America)

Raleigh Area:

Charlotte Area:


Delegate Invitations and Logistics

Invitaciones de delegados y Logística

Leader: Julie Tomberlin (Unity Women’s Desk Coordinator)

Budget and Finances

Presupuesto y Finanzas

Members of the UWD Advisory Board


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